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Old 07-24-2007, 10:54 AM
ajloeffl ajloeffl is offline
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Default Re: Review of cover design

I've finished with the book now and have to say it is really ground breaking as far as literature goes. This offers an interesting mix of insights of how to think about poker and how to plan a hand. It may take a while to work some of these ideas into my game but I think it will be well worth the effort. I've really started to focus on commitment thresholds as I play, and I really watch the pot and possible future bets in comparison to my stack. It definitely helps lessen the number of tough decisions I have to make at the table, though poker is a lot about tough decisions so I will never be rid of them entirely.

I'd have to say most of the materials in the book are geared towards play with "aggressive" or "tricky" opponents which as you move up limits you will find more of. Against a pretty straightforward or passive opponent though, I don't mind passing the threshold and don't worry as much about SPR etc since decisions are usually easier with them at that point. They bet the nuts and check everything else.

I hope to see a couple more books in this series!
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