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Old 07-24-2007, 05:57 AM
boohaa12 boohaa12 is offline
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Default Re: Some musings about the state of poker, and ......

great post, i dont useually use this particular forum as i find of the hand analysez we do here not relavant...
For (2) reason.
-online players @ 5/10 below are idiots for the most part so you shouldnt try to out think them.
- if you chose your games right, your whole hypothesis you just possed is 100% accurate and +EV

so this hasnt said tooo much, but let me explain...
during peak hours in my opion it is +EV to play many tables, and play traditional tight poker. you wil have maybe one good player, 2-3 40/9, and if youre lucky a 60/2 or something crazy.... this is the time to purly play your postion and your cards...

i play on the major sites and by 3am Pacific time there may only be 3-5 games going, only 1 or 2 profitable...
i have found at these late night games like now (2 tables open) my bb/100 is much higher then avg during day, however im calling lots of hands down with 3rd pair, A high etc. I belive this dynamic of the game is interestion as many players are "sleepy" (or not paying attention as much at this hour imo).

further, your exercise of playing less tables is great when you have very well known opponents on your table who are multitablin.

I dont know how much this added to your post, but i agree with MANY of the things you said.
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