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Old 07-24-2007, 05:48 AM
SuperJez SuperJez is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 207
Default Will ANY online site start spreading 6 card omaha PLEASE.

Its such a great gamblers game. Really popular here in Scotland and in Ireland as well. You cant ever miss a flop. Even a tight player will play 80% of hands and this will be on his rockiest of rocky days. You can flop top set, the nut flush draw AND the top straight draw all at the same time. You will probably still lose tho. The problem is since a lot of pots turn into all in fests the big winner of the night will not have won a few buy ins, he will have made everyone at his table flat out busto. Online rooms just want the rake to go round and round forever and shy away from such volatile bankroll busting games as 6o. I mean if they had their way we would all play 1/2 FL till our death beds. I just wish a site would spread this game man. Its so much fun.

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