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Old 07-24-2007, 05:20 AM
Josem Josem is offline
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Default Re: Security of playing online poker in hotel rooms

as far as I can tell (browsing these forums and looking into it), there are no obvious solutions to making your internet access via a hotel room more secure, short of bringing your own hardware router + firewall (which in turn brings a heap of hassle).

the traffic between your PC and the poker sites is encrypted, so you have a reasonable level of protection.

in reality, you have a low risk of trouble, as the number of people:
a) on your network


b) who have the ability to hack


c) have the intention of hacking you


d) know when you're online


e) successfully hack you

is likely to be very small - they need to fit every single one of those criteria.

I cannot imagine that it is a profitable use of someone's time to stay hooked onto a hotel computer network seaching for possible hacking targets. sure, it is possible, but certainly unlikely.

in EV terms, you could theoretically slightly discount your hourly rate to compensate for the theoretical conceptual losses that could occur in all the millions of hours of online poker play in hotels. i arbitarily guess that, depending on your online bankroll, this would be something in the order of -0.01% of your hourly rate.
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