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Old 07-24-2007, 01:51 AM
bmwguy525 bmwguy525 is offline
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Default BRAG: Done With Poker

Tonight, after losing to runner runner and rivered tripped middle pair to my overpair multiple times in multiple games, I've decided to call it quits on poker. I'm actually up lifetime in blackjack by a few grand, and I only play $15, so from now on all the money I was pumping into the poker world is now going to $25+ blackjack tables.

I'm ready to get comped, treated, and dined by the casinos for my blackjack play. I'm tired of losing to statistical improbabilities in poker, cuz at least in blackjack I know I SHOULD be losing 51% of the time.

Sorry to all those who will no longer profit from my poker play, although my donations to the online world were very small. But I just recently crossed over the line of being a lifetime loser at poker over 3 years, and I'm tired of the game.

Blackjack, here I come.

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