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Old 07-24-2007, 12:33 AM
Green Kool Aid Green Kool Aid is offline
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Default NBA Defensive Rankings

I'm just jacking this from, but would like to discuss it here. It's pretty interesting how well these line up with how I view players from just watching the games.

Guys who score very well that I feel are undervalued by everyone....

Paul Millsap
Trevor Ariza
Eduarda Najera- guy plays insanely hard on every possession.

One huge thing. Guys like Garnett, LBJ, Duncan, and Marion are top defensive guys. Nash gets a VERY low rating. It's there for everyone to see. Let's see if we can keep MVP talk ouf of this.

A few things to note....don't get carried away with Houston and SA's ratings. All the credit goes to dominant big men and genius head coaches. Same goes for making it more impressive what guys like Rajon Rondo and Renaldo Balkman do on bad teams.

The big thing I'm interested to see is how people feel these rankings align with what they see. IMO this is the BEST defensive measure I have ever seen related to basketball.

For the Celtics, Gerald, Wally, and Sebastian were clearly the three worst defenders on the team from what I personally saw. They finished in the bottom four. Rondo and Tony Allen were the best defenders, and finished top two.

No real point to this thread, just wanted to show the link and open up some discussion here, and would like to here from people on their own teams that they see on a day-to-day basis.
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