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Old 07-23-2007, 11:17 PM
Howard Treesong Howard Treesong is offline
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Default Watches With Doodads

My tenth anniversary is coming up in a couple of months. Mrs. Treesong has long expressed a desire for a balla women's watch, which she describes as having doodads -- we both now wear Tag Heuers; mine has a stopwatch and the three face dials, whereas hers (being smaller) has simply one analog dial. I now turn to EDF as the arbiter of all things stylish, and ask for the collective recommendation for an anniversary present. Given Mrs. T's occasional propensity to lose things, I'd rather not go superrobusto on this one, and stick with balla instead (say, south of $10K). Best suggestion wins a set of four matching El Diablo coffee mugs from a local restaurant here that carries same.
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