Thread: ehlp!
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Old 07-23-2007, 08:58 PM
Scott Y. Scott Y. is offline
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Default Re: ehlp!

The blinds often show up with some combo of 2pairs, sets, and even similar draws here. the guys behind you usually have a bit of a weaker range with low redraw aspirations. You almost always have (just) enough equity to jam 4-way - against just the blinds you're probably some sort of dog. It's not clear to me whether raising or calling is best. We aren't talking about huge EV in any case. I'd tend to call, on the strength of raising BB if you turn an 8.

The turn card really sucks, though it looks harmless. You want to see a cheap river. Now 3 high outs are tainted and the 4 eights make at least a low. It also looks like BB is counting on similar draws. Easy check.

Try out twodimes with some possible hands here. Make sure to see what happens those times other people hold some of your cards and/or catch that flush redraw.
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