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Old 07-23-2007, 08:19 PM
rakebreak rakebreak is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 36
Default Re: Slow Rakebreak payments?


Normally I like to think I have a pretty good system for handling support issues, but this is one of those cases where my system breaks down and I apologize for that. I emailed PKR a few days ago for you and never heard back. Normally they are pretty good at getting back with me and once they do that reminds me / alerts me to follow up with the customer. Since they never replied back, your support issue was like a lemming falling off a cliff and I again apologize for that. I’m going to email PKR for you again right now, but to speed things up I would like to offer to pay your PKR rakeback via some other means. I can send it via Neteller, Party Poker, Full Tilt Poker, Poker Stars, Absolute Poker, Ultimate Bet, or a couple other rooms. I’m also going to tack on an additional 5% for you since you’ve had to wait so long and have been as understanding as anyone could ask.

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