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Old 07-23-2007, 05:10 PM
DeliciousBass DeliciousBass is offline
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Default Re: Early House Report Card

My letter to my rep:

Dear Representative Sestak,

As a transplanted Californian I arrived in Pennsylvania in time to cast my vote for both Bob Casey and yourself. I used those votes to voice a disagreement on the larger issues that have plagued our country under the current President and I applaud your efforts in making my voice heard in Washington.

While considerable work is still required on the larger issues, it is not the purpose of this letter.

In July of last year Congress passed the Port Securities Act with the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) attached. This attachment was added last minute and the vote took place with no debate on the topic. Representative Barney Frank has introduced legislation to restore some freedoms to Americans.

As a veteran myself I served my country because I love the ideals of our nation. I love the idea of freedom. Some of that was taken from me with the passing of the UIGEA. I ask you to co-sponsor H.R. 2046 and support Barney Frank in this very American fight.

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