Thread: Hand Simulator
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Old 07-23-2007, 04:31 PM
bogey1 bogey1 is offline
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Default Re: Hand Simulator

What amazed me was 2 players at a final table didn't know. Well, maybe Gavin did and didn't let on so he could take the correct side of the prop bet.

But come on...95 vs 82? Trivial. The top card is usually going to play. Now, 42o vs 32s, that'd be more interesting since both are playing the board if they don't hit, so the question becomes which hits more? Does the suitedness of 32 overcome the times 4 and 3 both hit for pairs?

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Ok, curiousity got the better of me.
42o beats 32s by a hair (assume sharing no suits).
cards %win %lose %tie EV
4s 2c 27.50 27.26 45.23 0.501
3h 2h 27.26 27.50 45.23 0.499

Interestingly, 52o loses to 43s. It's not until you get to the feared 72o that it pulls ahead of 43s.
cards %win %lose %tie EV
5s 2c 36.27 43.85 19.88 0.462
4h 3h 43.85 36.27 19.88 0.538
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