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Old 07-23-2007, 10:03 AM
TheEngineer TheEngineer is offline
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Default Re: Early House Report Card

I have been a long time lurker and finally decided to post in support of your efforts.

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Thanks, I appreciate the support. Together, we can all make a difference.

I plan on writing a letter to her once I get the time. If you have any suggestions let me know. Knowing her, if she thinks supporting internet gambling will get her some votes I would bet that she would jump on board, considering that a lot of the House members from NY are already supporting.

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Yes, we have a lot of support in NY. She may come on board with enough letters. Since you asked for a suggestion, I'd really just urge you to not wait to write the perfect letter. After all, the goal isn't to change her mind through the persuasive power of the pen. Rather, it's to share with her your feelings as a voter. In other words, your not trying to convince her to support're trying to convince her that YOU support poker, you vote accordingly, and you represent many in your district. So, I think you should email her today with a short and sweet note telling her it's your business what you do with your money. Then, maybe when you get time you can write a longer note if you care to. I get mileage out of my longer notes by reusing them (or parts of them) many times, but please don't feel the need to start off with that.

Here's the PPA form letter, from . You can cut and paste it, or you can email it right from the site in about 45 seconds (I'd probably send the email right from the site, then format it in Word, print it out and send it as snail mail):

Letter to Your Elected Officials

As a constituent and voter in your district, I am writing to ask you to support and co-sponsor HR 2046 – the Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act of 2007.

In 2006, my right to play poker -- a legendary game of skill that dates back centuries -- was assaulted simply because I chose to exercise that right online. Now, that right will be denied permanently unless Congress takes action. I am counting on you to help restore my rights by supporting HR 2046.

If HR 2046 passes into law, online poker will be safe, secure and regulated. The bill creates stringent licensing regulations for poker operators, so it will protect consumers and poker players alike.

The bill also has rigorous protections against illegal gambling, underage gambling, and compulsive gambling. But it doesn’t force any state to accept online gaming – it will simply allow any currently legal gaming to take place online. States and sports leagues can opt out completely if they wish.

What’s important to me is your support for restoring my rights. Please respond to this letter, and let me know if you will support and co-sponsor HR 2046. I will be watching your actions on this bill closely. I hope that I -- and thousands of other poker fans in your district -- can count on your support.

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