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Old 07-23-2007, 09:42 AM
TheEngineer TheEngineer is offline
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Default Re: Early House Report Card

Errata: minor corrections after comparing side-by-side with current Congressional membership roster and ?/?- error

I finished reviewing where every Congressman stands, so that we can better focus our efforts; here are the results:

A+: actively working for us
A: cosponsor of IGREA or SGPA legislation
A-: voted against HR 4411 but not cosponsoring IGREA or SGPA
B: cosponsoring the study bill
?: no voting record
?- : voted for HR 4411, but no other action.
F*: cosponsored HR 4777, Goodlatte’s ban bill
F: cosponsored HR 4411
F-: leader of efforts against us…zealot



with us............109......16
against us.........19.....111

The difference in the two parties is readily apparent. Now that we have a little data, it shows that we have a good shot in the House by focusing on Democrats still on the fence, plus some non-Southern Republicans. If we get this through the House Financial Services Committee, we may stand a good shot at getting this on some sort of legislation that requires funding, but we’ll have to do our part first. Thanks.


A+ (5 total, 4 Democrats and 1 Republican):

Berkley, Shelley [D-NV], Carson, Julia [D-IN], Frank, Barney [D-MA], Paul, Ron [R-TX], and Wexler, Robert [D-FL].

A (30 total, 27 D and 3 R):

Ackerman, Gary [D-NY], Berman, Howard [D-CA], Capuano, Michael [D-MA], Carnahan, Russ [D-MO], Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO], Cohen, Steve [D-TN], Crowley, Joseph [D-NY], Filner, Bob [D-CA], Fossella, Vito [R-NY], Gutierrez, Luis [D-IL], Hastings, Alcee [D-FL], Honda, Michael [D-CA], Israel, Steve [D-NY], King, Peter [R-NY], Larson, John [D-CT], McCarthy, Carolyn [D-NY], McDermott, Jim [D-WA], McGovern, James [D-MA], Melancon, Charlie [D-LA], Moran, James [D-VA], Perlmutter, Ed [D-CO], Rodriguez, Ciro [D-TX], Rothman, Steven [D-NJ], Sanchez, Linda [D-CA], Thompson, Bennie [D-MS], Towns, Edolphus [D-NY], Watt, Mel [D-NC], Weiner, Anthony [D-NY], Wynn, Albert [D-MD], and Young, Don [R-AK]

A- (63 total, 54 D and 9 R):

Andrews, Robert [D-NJ], Baca, Joe [D-CA], Baldwin, Tammy [D-WI], Becerra, Xavier [D-CA], Brown, Corrine [D-FL], Capps, Lois [D-CA], Conyers, John [D-MI], Cummings, Elijah [D-MD], Davis, Danny [D-IL], Delahunt, William [D-MA], Dingell, John [D-MI], Dreier, David [R-CA], Engel, Eliot [D-NY], Eshoo, Anna [D-CA], Farr, Sam [D-CA], Flake, Jeff [R-AZ], Gonzalez, Charles [D-TX], Grijalva, Raul [D-AZ], Hastings, Doc [R-WA], Holden, Tim [D-PA], Hoyer, Steny [D-MD], Inslee, Jay [D-WA], Jackson, Jesse [D-IL], Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX], Johnson, Eddie [D-TX], Kennedy, Patrick [D-RI], Kildee, Dale [D-MI], Kilpatrick, Carolyn [D-MI], Kind, Ronald [D-WI], Kucinich, Dennis [D-OH], Lee, Barbara [D-CA], LoBiondo, Frank [R-NJ], Lofgren, Zoe [D-CA], Mack, Connie [R-FL], Markey, Edward [D-MA], Matsui, Doris [D-CA], Miller, George [D-CA], Nadler, Jerrold [D-NY], Napolitano, Grace [D-CA], Neal, Richard [D-MA], Olver, John [D-MA], Pastor, Edward [D-AZ], Poe, Ted [R-TX], Porter, Jon [R-NV], Rangel, Charles [D-NY], Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX], Rohrabacher, Dana [R-CA], Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA], Rush, Bobby [D-IL], Sanchez, Loretta [D-CA], Schakowsky, Janice [D-IL], Schiff, Adam [D-CA], Scott, Robert [D-VA], Serrano, José [D-NY], Solis, Hilda [D-CA], Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA], Tauscher, Ellen [D-CA], Tiberi, Patrick [R-OH], Tierney, John [D-MA], Udall, Tom [D-NM], Velazquez, Nydia [D-NY], Watson, Diane [D-CA], and Woolsey, Lynn [D-CA].

B (27 total, 25 D and 2 R):

Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI], Boyda, Nancy [D-KS], Clyburn, James [D-SC], Costa, Jim [D-CA], Costello, Jerry [D-IL], Faleomavaega, Eni [D-AS], Green, Al [D-TX], Heller, Dean [R-NV], Hill, Baron [D-IN], Hinchey, Maurice [D-NY], Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH], Langevin, James [RI-2], Lewis, John [D-GA], Maloney, Carolyn [D-NY], Meek, Kendrick [D-FL], Meeks, Gregory [D-NY], Moore, Dennis [D-KS], Pascrell, Bill [D-NJ], Payne, Donald [D-NJ], Peterson, Collin [D-MN], Ruppersberger, Dutch [D-MD], Ryan, Tim [D-OH], Sessions, Pete [R-TX], Taylor, Gene [D-MS], Thompson, Mike [D-CA], Walz, Timothy [D-MN], and Yarmuth, John [D-KY].

? (63 total, 44 D and 19 R):

Allen, Tom, Maine, 1st [D], Altmire, Jason, Pennsylvania, 4th [D], Arcuri, Michael A., New York, 24th [D], Bachmann, Michele, Minnesota, 6th [R], Barton, Joe, Texas, 6th [R], Bean, Melissa L., Illinois, 8th [D], Biggert, Judy, Illinois, 13th [R], Braley, Bruce L., Iowa, 1st [D], Buchanan, Vern, Florida, 13th [R], Carney, Christopher P., Pennsylvania, 10th [D], Castor, Kathy, Florida, 11th [D], Christian-Christensen, Donna M., U.S. Virgin Islands [D], Clarke, Yvette D., New York, 11th [D], Courtney, Joe, Connecticut, 2nd [D], Cuellar, Henry, Texas, 28th [D], Davis, David, Tennessee, 1st [R], Donnelly, Joe, Indiana, 2nd [D], Doyle, Mike, Pennsylvania, 14th [D], Ellison, Keith, Minnesota, 5th [D], Ellsworth, Brad, Indiana, 8th [D], Fallin, Mary, Oklahoma, 5th [R], Forbes, J. Randy, Virginia, 4th [R], Giffords, Gabrielle, Arizona, 8th [D], Gillibrand, Kirsten E., New York, 20th [D], Hall, John J., New York, 19th, Hare, Phil, Illinois, 17th [D], Hastert, Denny, Illinois, 14th [R], Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie, South Dakota, At Large [D], Hinojosa, Rubén, Texas, 15th [D], Hirono, Mazie K., Hawaii, 2nd [D], Hodes, Paul W., New Hampshire, 2nd [D], Johnson, Henry C. "Hank" Jr., Georgia, 4th [D], Jordan, Jim, Ohio, 4th [R], Kagen, Steve, Wisconsin, 8th [D], Klein, Ron , Florida, 22nd [D], Lamborn, Doug, Colorado, 5th [R], Lampson, Nick, Texas, 22nd [D], Loebsack, David, Iowa, 2nd [D], Mahoney, Tim, Florida, 16th [D], McHenry, Patrick T., North Carolina, 10th [R], McNerney, Jerry, California, 11th [D], Miller, Brad, North Carolina, 13th [D], Mitchell, Harry E., Arizona, 5th [D], Mollohan, Alan B., West Virginia, 1st [D], Murphy, Christopher S., Connecticut, 5th [D], Murphy, Patrick J., Pennsylvania, 8th [D], Norton, Eleanor Holmes, District of Columbia [D], Roskam, Peter J., Illinois, 6th [R], Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana, Florida, 18th [R], Ryan, Paul, Wisconsin, 1st [R], Sali, Bill, Idaho, 1st [R], Sarbanes, John P., Maryland, 3rd [D], Sestak, Joe, Pennsylvania, 7th [D], Shea-Porter, Carol, New Hampshire, 1st [D], Shuler, Heath, North Carolina, 11th [D], Sires, Albio, New Jersey, 13th [D], Slaughter, Louise, New York, 28th [D], Smith, Adrian, Nebraska, 3rd [R], Smith, Chris, New Jersey, 4th [R], Space, Zachary T., Ohio, 18th [D], Sutton, Betty, Ohio, 13th [D], Walberg, Timothy, Michigan, 7th [R], and Wilson, Charles A., Ohio, 6th [D].

?- (119 total, 64 D and 55 R):

Baird, Brian, Washington, 3rd [D], Barrow, John, Georgia, 12th [D], Bilbray, Brian P., California, 50th [R], Bilirakis, Gus M., Florida, 9th [R], Bishop Jr., Sanford D., Georgia, 2nd [R], Bishop, Rob, Utah, 1st [D], Bishop, Timothy, New York, 1st [D], Blackburn, Marsha, Tennessee, 7th [R], Blumenauer, Earl, Oregon, 3rd [D], Bono, Mary, California, 45th [R], Boren, Dan, Oklahoma, 2nd [D], Boswell, Leonard, Iowa, 3rd [D], Boyd, Allen, Florida, 2nd [D], Brady, Robert, Pennsylvania, 1st [D], Brown-Waite, Virginia, Florida, 5th [R], Butterfield, G.K., North Carolina, 1st [D], Calvert, Ken, California, 44th [R], Campbell, John, California, 48th [R], Carter, John, Texas, 31st [R], Castle, Michael N., Delaware, At Large [R], Cleaver, Emanuel, Missouri, 5th [D], Cole, Tom, Oklahoma, 4th [R], Cooper, Jim, Tennessee, 5th [D], Davis, Artur, Alabama, 7th [D], Davis, Susan, California, 53rd [D], DeGette, Diana, Colorado, 1st [D], DeLauro, Rosa L., Connecticut, 3rd [D], Diaz-Balart, Mario, Florida, 25th [R], Dicks, Norman D., Washington, 6th [D], Doggett, Lloyd, Texas, 25th [D], Doolittle, John, California, 4th [R], Emanuel, Rahm, Illinois, 5th [D], English, Phil, Pennsylvania, 3rd [R], Fattah, Chaka, Pennsylvania, 2nd [D], Ferguson, Michael, New Jersey, 7th [R], Garrett, Scott, New Jersey, 5th [R], Gerlach, Jim, Pennsylvania, 6th [R], Gordon, Bart, Tennessee, 6th [D], Graves, Sam, Missouri, 6th [R], Harman, Jane, California, 36th [D], Hensarling, Jeb, Texas, 5th [R], Higgins, Brian, New York, 27th [D], Holt, Rush, New Jersey, 12th [D], Issa, Darrell, California, 49th [R], Jefferson, William J., Louisiana, 2nd [D], Johnson, Sam, Texas, 3rd [R], Johnson, Timothy V., Illinois, 15th [R], Kanjorski, Paul E., Pennsylvania, 11th [D], Kaptur, Marcy, Ohio, 9th [D], Kline, John, Minnesota, 2nd [R], Knollenberg, Joseph , Michigan, 9th [R], Lantos, Tom, California, 12th [D], Larsen, Rick, Washington, 2nd [D], LaTourette, Steven C., Ohio, 14th [R], Levin, Sander, Michigan, 12th [D], Lipinski, Daniel, Illinois, 3rd [D], Lowey, Nita, New York, 18th [D], Lynch, Stephen F., Massachusetts, 9th [D], Manzullo, Donald, Illinois, 16th [R], Marshall, Jim, Georgia, 8th [D], Matheson, Jim, Utah, 2nd [D], McCarthy, Kevin, California, 22nd [R], McCollum, Betty, Minnesota, 4th [D], McHugh, John M., New York, 23rd [R], McNulty, Michael R., New York, 21st [D], Mica, John, Florida, 7th [R], Michaud, Michael, Maine, 2nd [D], Miller, Candice, Michigan, 10th [R], Miller, Gary, California, 42nd [R], Moore, Gwen, Wisconsin, 4th [D], Murphy, Tim, Pennsylvania, 18th [R], Murtha, John, Pennsylvania, 12th [D], Nunes, Devin, California, 21st [R], Oberstar, James L., Minnesota, 8th [D], Obey, David R., Wisconsin, 7th [D], Ortiz, Solomon P., Texas, 27th [D], Pallone Jr., Frank, New Jersey, 6th [D], Pearce, Steve, New Mexico, 2nd [R], Pelosi, Nancy, California, 8th [D], Pickering, Charles W. "Chip", Mississippi, 3rd [R], Platts, Todd, Pennsylvania, 19th [R], Pomeroy, Earl, North Dakota, At Large [D], Price, Tom, Georgia, 6th [R], Pryce, Deborah, Ohio, 15th [R], Radanovich, George P., California, 19th [R], Rahall, Nick, West Virginia, 3rd [D], Reichert, David G., Washington, 8th [R], Renzi, Rick, Arizona, 1st [R], Rogers, Harold, Kentucky, 5th [R], Rogers, Mike, Alabama, 3rd [R], Ross, Mike, Arkansas, 4th [D], Royce, Ed, California, 40th [R], Salazar, John T., Colorado, 3rd [D], Saxton, Jim, New Jersey, 3rd [R], Schmidt, Jean, Ohio, 2nd [R], Schwartz, Allyson Y., Pennsylvania, 13th [D], Sensenbrenner, F. James, Wisconsin, 5th [R], Sherman, Brad, California, 27th [D], Simpson, Mike, Idaho, 2nd [R], Skelton, Ike, Missouri, 4th [D], Smith, Adam, Washington, 9th [D], Snyder, Vic, Arkansas, 2nd [D], Spratt, John, South Carolina, 5th [D], Stearns, Cliff, Florida, 6th [R], Stupak, Bart, Michigan, 1st [D], Tancredo, Tom, Colorado, 6th [R], Tanner, John, Tennessee, 8th [D], Turner, Michael, Ohio, 3rd [R], Udall, Mark, Colorado, 2nd [D], Van Hollen, Chris, Maryland, 8th [D], Visclosky, Peter, Indiana, 1st [D], Wamp, Zach, Tennessee, 3rd [R], Waters, Maxine, California, 35th [D], Waxman, Henry, California, 30th [D], Weldon, Dave, Florida, 15th [R], Weller, Jerry, Illinois, 11th [R], Whitfield, Ed, Kentucky, 1st [R], Wu, David, Oregon, 1st [D], and Young, C.W. Bill, Florida, 10th [R].

F* (95 total, 16 D and 79 R):

Aderholt, Robert [R-AL], Alexander, Rodney [R-LA], Baker, Richard [R-LA], Bartlett, Roscoe [R-MD], Berry, Robert [D-AR], Bonner, Jo [R-AL], Boozman, John [R-AR], Boucher, Frederick [D-VA], Boustany, Charles [R-LA], Brady, Kevin [R-TX], Brown, Henry [R-SC], Burgess, Michael [R-TX], Burton, Dan [R-IN], Buyer, Stephen [R-IN], Camp, David [R-MI], Cantor, Eric [R-VA], Capito, Shelley Moore [R-WV], Cardoza, Dennis [D-CA], Chabot, Steven [R-OH], Chandler, Ben [D-KY], Coble, Howard [R-NC], Conaway, Michael [R-TX], Cramer, Robert [D-AL], Crenshaw, Ander [R-FL], Cubin, Barbara [R-WY], Culberson, John [R-TX], Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA], Davis, Lincoln [D-TN], Davis, Thomas [R-VA], Deal, Nathan [R-GA], DeFazio, Peter [D-OR], Diaz-Balart, Lincoln [R-FL], Drake, Thelma [R-VA], Duncan, John [R-TN], Edwards, Thomas [D-TX], Emerson, Jo Ann [R-MO], Etheridge, Bob [D-NC], Everett, Terry [R-AL], Feeney, Tom [R-FL], Fortuño, Luis [R-PR], Foxx, Virginia [R-NC], Frelinghuysen, Rodney [R-NJ], Gallegly, Elton [R-CA], Gingrey, John [R-GA], Gohmert, Louis [R-TX], Goode, Virgil [R-VA], Granger, Kay [R-TX], Green, Raymond [D-TX], Hall, Ralph [R-TX], Hayes, Robin [R-NC], Herger, Walter [R-CA], Hobson, David [R-OH], Hoekstra, Peter [R-MI], Hulshof, Kenny [R-MO], Hunter, Duncan [R-CA], Jindal, Bobby [R-LA], Jones, Walter [R-NC], Keller, Ric [R-FL], Kingston, Jack [R-GA], Kuhl, John [R-NY], LaHood, Ray [R-IL], Lewis, Jerry [R-CA], Lewis, Ron [R-KY], Linder, John [R-GA], Lucas, Frank [R-OK], Lungren, Daniel [R-CA], Marchant, Kenny [R-TX], McCrery, James [R-LA], McIntyre, Mike [D-NC], McKeon, Howard [R-CA], McMorris Rogers, Cathy [R-WA], Miller, Jeff [R-FL], Moran, Jerry [R-KS], Musgrave, Marilyn [R-CO], Myrick, Sue [R-NC], Neugebauer, Randy [R-TX], Peterson, John [R-PA], Price, David [D-NC], Putnam, Adam [R-FL], Regula, Ralph [R-OH], Rehberg, Dennis [R-MT], Reynolds, Thomas [R-NY], Scott, David [D-GA], Shimkus, John [R-IL], Shuster, William [R-PA], Smith, Lamar [R-TX], Sullivan, John [R-OK], Thornberry, William [R-TX], Tiahrt, Todd [R-KS], Walden, Greg [R-OR], Weldon, David [R-FL], Westmoreland, Lynn [R-GA], Wilson, Addison [R-SC], Wilson, Heather [R-NM], and Wolf, Frank [R-VA].

F (32 total, 3 D and 29 R):

Akin, Todd [R-MO], Barrett, James [R-SC], Blunt, Roy [R-MO], Boehner, John [R-OH], Bordallo, Madeleine [D-GU], Cannon, Chris [R-UT], Davis, Geoff [R-KY], Dent, Charles [R-PA], Ehlers, Vernon [R-MI], Fortenberry, Jeffrey [R-NE], Franks, Trent [R-AZ], Gilchrest, Wayne [R-MD], Gillmor, Paul [R-OH], Hooley, Darlene [D-OR], Inglis, Bob [R-SC], King, Steve [R-IA], Kirk, Mark [R-IL], Latham, Thomas [R-IA], McCaul, Michael [R-TX], McCotter, Thaddeus [R-MI], Pence, Mike [R-IN], Petri, Thomas [R-WI], Pitts, Joseph [R-PA], Ramstad, James [R-MN], Rogers, Michael [R-MI], Shadegg, John [R-AZ], Souder, Mark [R-IN], Terry, Lee [R-NE], Upton, Frederick [R-MI], Walsh, James [R-NY], Wasserman Shultz, Debbie [D-FL], and Wicker, Roger [R-MS].

F- (3 total, 0 D and 3 R):

Bachus, Spencer [R-AL], Goodlatte, Bob [R-VA], and Shays, Christopher [R-CT].
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