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Old 07-22-2007, 08:15 PM
David Sklansky David Sklansky is offline
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Default The Best Reason Not To Put On Dog Fights

Its not that dogs might be sentient. Because many disagree. Its not that it is an indication that you might be a sociopath or a sadist. Because many disagree. And its not because it is illegal. Because it isn't illegal everywhere.

The reason you shouldn't do it is similar to the reason you shouldn't light cigars with hundred dollar bills. Which is that many people (perhaps the majority, perhaps not) are EXTREMELY upset with the practice, whearas you, (hopefully), are getting only the mildest of enjoyment from it.

I have no problem with people treating themselves and their immediate family much better than they treat others. But it seems to me there should be a limit. Even if it is not a legal one. For instance if someone in your poker game is known to be highly allergic to a certain favorite shirt of yours, I would think you would avoid wearing it even if he was only a mild acquantance. I would.

Now I don't know if the idea of eschewing mild amusement to keep others from having major distress is a trait that comes from DNA, God, chezlaw, pragmatism or whatever. But I do know that most people agree with this idea and might even change a behavior it they were shown that such behavior was contradicting it. That should include most dogfight fans.
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