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Old 07-22-2007, 06:27 PM
ProfBets ProfBets is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 293
Default Busto, now what? (serious question)

So I've been playing for about 2 years while in College
and have been able to pay everything with my winnings (Tuiton, books, food, rent, insurance, car, etc) while still maintaining a playing bankroll and putting some aside for savings. Mostly from $2/4 $2/5 $3/6 NLH, and occassional $2/4 PLO or occassional donkament when I need to switch it up.

I've been through one period of an about 6 month long losing streak (you know the deal where you get the money in as a 70% favorite or more and lose not once, but every single time) and not gone bust before...

But recently experienced a more severe losing streak in a shorter amount of time (around 6-8 weeks) and dropped about 80 buyins, which causes me to be now completely BUSTO.
Luckily it is summer so don't have to start paying for school expenses for about another 4-5 weeks, and even applied to a few jobs but can't seem to land anything as the last time I worked was way back in 2004/2005.

So I'm Busto, now what? Any serious suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated, thanks 2p2...
Oh and btw, don't really have any super high roller friends that would even be interested in throwing me a stake (waste of their time to throw less than a buyin in their eyes), so that's most likely out of the question.
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