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Old 07-22-2007, 04:27 PM
bkholdem bkholdem is offline
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Default Re: U.S. businesses accept pesos. Immigration hawks go nuts.

But uh, taking offense that their currency has value in this country? That's pretty bad.

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No his point is that the company is facillitating illegal immigration i.e. facillitating people breaking the law.

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That some of you foaming-at-the-mouth right-wing xenophobes on *this* forum want to try to claim that "facilitation of people breaking the law" is the source of even some of your indignation directed toward illegal immigration is so laughably ironic it doesn't deserve a response. I'm sure there are no less than hundreds of threads at 2p2 that involve "facilitating people breaking the law".

But of course, threads which involve stealing or violation of copyrighted laws, circumventing local gambling prohibitions, celebrating illegal drug use, etc. apparently aren't worthy of our concern or scorn. But laws which stop the brown people from coming need to be treated with the utmost seriousness and deserve serious condemnation if broken. Riiiiiiiight.

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How many of them get up in arms about radar detectors, car manufacturers who make cars that go above the speed limit (some, in fact almost all, significantly above it), fake ID's, people who purchase alcohol for minors or serve alcohol to minors at parties, etc, etc.

When people compalin about someone 'facilitating a law being broken' and only do so on select matters their true colors shine through (even if it is subconscious on their part).

I've said it before and will say it again:

The argument "they are illegal, what part of illegal don't you understand?" really show the ridiculousness of the position. Can you imagine someone saying that about a murderer or a rapist "It is ILLEGAL, what part of illegal don't you understand?". No, of course not. And the reason is that there are actually valid reasons to be against murder and rape, no one has to grasp for excuses to be against those things "It's ILLEGAL!" Murder is not wrong because it is 'illegal'. Rape is not wrong because it is illegal. No one needs to make BS arguments against things that are really wrong, they simply state why the thing is wrong. If you need to fish for reasons or make technical arguments that should tell you something about the quality of your position.
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