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Old 07-22-2007, 02:32 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 4,322
Default Re: July Low-Content Thread


So after getting home from my healthy degen session at Ocean's yesterday at like 9 am or whatever while sitting in my car in front of my house and before making the post in here yesterday I called Crazy Mike. We agreed we'd play again yesterday and he said to call at 6. Naturally I turn my phone off so I won't have to hear it ring when he calls at 6, because at 9am after being awake 10 billion hours I need more than 9 hours of sleep or whatever it is. I wake up and call him at 8:30 and tell him I'll call when I'm leaving. At before 10 I'm at Viejas and he meets me. We are informed that we will be charged $30 time per person per down plus what we tip the dealer which is a "suggested" (aka mandatory) $10 per person. Previously we were paying $8 per person per down and the same tip. So they're trying to charge us an additional $22 per down each. We respond by cashing out our chips, using up the comps we got last time and then driving to Sycuan.

After a wacky adventure to get chips and waiting for a dealer we start playing. It is a continuation of our previous freezeout so I had $9600 to start and he has 10k basically. I lose about a rack at first because Crazy Mike flops top pair every hand he plays and generally just runs like you wouldn't believe. He continues to flop top pair every hand for a while, however some of my draws miraculously hit and he finds himself down to almost feltski, aka stuck about 6500-7k. Then things are back to normal and he wins every pot for about 2 hours, bringing me to the brink of annihilation and about 2500. By the time his girlfriend shows up to sweat him for good luck he has lost about 1500 back to me. Things pick up speed and then I have 6k in front of me again. Slowly but surely I regain my dollars, so I am no longer in imminent danger of gambling until my last dollar is gone. At 9:30 Mike has a 2500 in chips or less in front of him (which means I have roughly 7500) and states we are taking a break from the freezeout at 10:30 or when he loses the remaining 2500. At 10:23 I have $9600 in green chips and Mike has only a pile of my $4300 and a pink Commerce chip and I drive back home and then sit down and post this. I guess we played about 10 hours or so HU tonight. Live HU is actually quite fun but it would be really nice if he'd just lose his money and I could have this be over with because I need to win some easier money somewhere else eventually.

So at the moment I guess it is $9600 to $9300 with me barely "winner" if we can call it that considering we've incinerated so much on the rake.