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Old 07-22-2007, 05:05 AM
Mllndllrmn Mllndllrmn is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: WA
Posts: 98
Default Re: The tournament psychology - part iii

Pants on fire nailed it. Play small ball, and if people show weakness, just frickin crush 'em. In tourneys I found some people play wayyyy to tight, and some play super agro. Find the balance and like Pantsonfire said, look for the check/folders and the dead pots and what not, and then stomp on them till they can't stand it anymore, or you have all their chips.

In order to win a tourney, you need to have all of the chips. This is obviously very basic concept BUT think of it in every pot: I need those chips to win. That will give you the mentality that if a player is playing too tight, walk over them, take their chips, win pots, and win keep chuggin.
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