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Old 07-21-2007, 08:21 PM
bozlax bozlax is offline
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Default Re: 99 hand for nOOb discussion

Ok, so let's let the cat out of the bag: I wasn't Hero. I was BTN, and had JT ftw. Hero [censored] up every street of this hand.

Short-handed or not, his preflop and flop mistakes are obvious. His turn mistake is the same, although if he'd played the first two streets better he'd probably have not made it to the turn.

Which brings us to the river: one, why is Hero's bet a mistake, probably regardless of the earlier streets but definitely in light of the earlier streets? Two, why didn't I raise? (Hint: the answer is partly the same in both cases.)

And, Wookie, a playalong? C'mon!
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