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Old 07-21-2007, 12:47 PM
Perseus Perseus is offline
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Default Re: IGREA now has 31 cosponsors

There have been bills introduced with 350 cosponsors that have not, as much as I want to hope and pray something happens, we may be a long way away.

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This is a marathon, not a sprint. The first step was to get legislation introduced, which we did. The next was to have a successful hearing, which we did. Next, we have to have a committee vote, which we'll work to do. Then, there's a vote in the full House, plus the Senate, then a signature by the president.

Yes, we're a long way away still, but a few months ago it looked like we were dead in the water. We've shown a lot of resolve to get where we are today. Yes, we're underdogs right now, but we are building our movement while showing our commitment to our liberty. If we don't pass legislation this year, our inertia will carry us into next year with a lot of strength. Also, we can keep our opponents on the defensive. I've stated this on several occasions because it's very important...Goodlatte has been very silent this year. I've heard not a peep from the guy. If that's all we get this year, it will represent a huge victory.

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I agree 100%. The reason for my post was more to remind people that this doesn't end when we get 50 cosponsors. Though it will be a minor victory, we need to keep sending letters through the rest of the year and however else long it takes to get this bill passed.
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