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Old 07-20-2007, 03:26 PM
dmisfh1 dmisfh1 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 158
Default Worst Week in American Sports?

Bud wants nothing to do with Barry. Steroid controversy, fans unhappy, etc. And now there's a chance it'll happen vs. Milwaukee? Yuk.

Goodell has his work cut out for him. It seems that Pacman Jones' kryptonite is strip clubs. That, or his inability to say "no" to his thug friends. And now one of the primary faces of the NFL is under federal indictment for dog fighting. This includes allegations of hanging dogs, drowning dogs, and banging a dog's head over and over again til it was dead. Great.

And now we have the already-struggling NBA with a ref that was shaving points for a mafia crime family. Hmm. Stern's job certainly isn't getting easier.

What is the future of American sports? Have we passed our Golden Age? How many more scandals will we see in future years, compared to this past decade?
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