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Old 07-20-2007, 05:07 AM
Wdanger Wdanger is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 16
Default Re: Suppose Tipping Poker Dealers Was Illegal

As an ex UK casino dealer i can safely say that not being allowed legally to accept tips, but having a higher basic rate of pay, results in an overall net loss of earining compared to dealers in casinos that do allow tipping. It looks good on paper but sucks when you come to spend anything. Not tipping does also, in my experience, lead to less interested dealers in some cases, but also less voracious dealers too, who concentrate on the game rather than angling for tips.

So in summary there are pros and cons, the cons mainly being felt by the dealers that dont get tips. In a casino setting rather than a straight cardroom, the fact that the dealers are paid a higher salary and dont rely on tips doesnt mean the casino has to charge more for anything as all the cash that would have been tipped will eventually find its way into the drop boxes.
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