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Old 07-19-2007, 05:39 PM
AnActualGirl AnActualGirl is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 37
Default Re: faith, religion, spirituality

I just read "Letter to a Christian Nation" by Sam Harris. I've never been really religous, although my family is, and I never understood why people bash religion so aggresively rather than just letting everyone believe what they want to believe if it makes them happy. The points Harris makes in his letter regarding organized religion (not just Christianity) and how it holds humanity back from becoming a more advanced civilization are really thought-provoking and made me understand the anger that some people feel towards religion.

I guess "quaint" is a good term for religion in my opinion; it served a great purpose hundreds of years ago to bring people together and 'explain' some mysteries of life, but to continue to hold to stories and prophecies in spite of scientific facts that contradict these believes is silly. Not to mention the numerous wars being fought in the name of religion around the world which should really call into question the benefit of organized religion.
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