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Old 07-19-2007, 04:43 PM
hexag1 hexag1 is offline
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Default Re: faith, religion, spirituality

If I have any spirituality, its what I can feel presence of the harmony of nature, the mind numbing vastness of the universe, the endless complexity of living forms. These things can give me a sense of the numinous; of being part of something much greater than myself.
As for religious texts like the Bible or the Koran, or stories of creation from aboriginal tribes, I find them quaint. To me, many of the supposedly miraculous stories in these books seem positively mundane in the light of the discoveries of modern science. Who could be impressed by the burning bush in the Old Testament when compared to the photos taken by the Hubble? Who can be awed by the occasional miracles performed by prophets in holy books, when even now science can restore hearing to the deaf, and will soon restore sight to the blind, impregnate women who would otherwise be barren?
not me.
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