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Old 07-19-2007, 01:32 PM
Nielsio Nielsio is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 10,570
Default Why I\'m a crazy man

I want the schools that I spent years and years in to disappear.

I want the university that I spent years in to disappear.

I want to Euro to disappear, I want the dollar to disappear.

I want passports to disappear.

I want public hospitals to disappear.

I want public roads to disappear.

I want the military to disappear.

I want public research to disappear.

I want the public judges to disappear.

I want taxation to disappear.

I want religion to disappear.

I want countries to disappear.

I want public television to disappear.

I want war to disappear.

I want foreign aid to disappear.

I want the war on drugs to disappear.


When all these things are gone, how would the world look like? How will people in the future look back at these things? Will they be able to understand it?

Humanity is still in its infancy. The world is changing so quickly, it's amazing. Soon all these things will be gone.

That's how you become an anarchist: when you can imagine these things gone. That's when your mind releases itself from the mental cage that's been put upon it.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
-Jimi Hendrix