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Old 07-19-2007, 11:27 AM
cardshark cardshark is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: USA
Posts: 81
Default Re: Steve Forte arrested in possible poker scam

i hope everyone of these thieving pieces of garbage get life in a 3x3x3 cage. and they get fed dog biscuits at their one and only one meal.

and they don't get to shower or shave ever. and it's cold in the winter and very hot in the summer. and no blankets or pillows. they have to sleep on the hard floor.

would serve these thieving scum bags right.

the prison guards should use a blowtorch on them.

burn in hell for cheating people!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

What happened to the fundamental principle, "innocent until proven guilty"?

It would be best to cool off and not jump to conclusions. Journalists are notorious and they always jump to write an article without checking facts. This is why this article doesn't make 100% sense, as has already been pointed out in this thread. And this is why Thomas Jefferson said, "To be truly informed one must learn to completely ignore newspapers."

The only facts are that Steve Forte was arrested and that some high-tech electronic equipment was discovered in a hotel room. Now let see if the prosecutors prove that this equipment was intended to be used in a cheating conspiracy. I also happen to be typing up this post on a machine that is a piece of high-tech electronic equipment, and I regularly bring this piece of high-tech equipment to hotel rooms. So what?

I think it is unfounded to jump to conclusions based on an extremely badly written and badly researched sensational article and start saying that they should all rot in a prison cell. The fact is, everything that is written in this thread is pure speculation. There is nothing immoral about speculating on a public board (as long as it doesn't end up hurting someone,) but if you are trying to say that you are up to the highest moral and ethical standards, which is why you seem to dislike cheats, then you should not be making such statements. A lot of witches have been burned throughout history.

And finally, so many poker players condemn cheating. But since when is gambling such an ethical activity?
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