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Old 07-19-2007, 10:27 AM
imakefrush imakefrush is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 21
Default Re: Devastating Seinfeld News

It really surprises me when I hear people hate on Seinfeld. I can understand if it is not your cup of tea, but it is hard to not recognize how revolutionary it was. The concept of fusing unrelated and common day, yet hilarious, story lines into a single climax had hardly ever been seen. The writing was remarkable throughout the vast majority of the seasons.

Though I believe AD is the best sitcom of all time, it clearly would never have happened without Seinfeld.

1. AD
2. Seinfeld
3. UK Office
4. Cheers
6. US Office (assuming level of excellency is maintained)
1647. Friends (fans should not vote, breed or be protected by the freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights)
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