Thread: Crossfit FAQ
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Old 07-18-2007, 07:11 PM
J.Brown J.Brown is offline
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Default Re: Crossfit FAQ

ahh kipping how i long to understand thee.........

this is a tough one for me, or was, but here is my vague understanding (and i will try to avoid the climbing over walls/functionality part, but it is a bit of a factor) besides the more power through kipping part because crossfit is trying to equally build all 10 of their specified fitness modalities the kipping integrates using body control, greater coordination, a chain of movements that is more "athletic" and total body than dead hand pu's, and most importantly a hip snap action that is a critical chain all oly. lifts. more applicaple even if you aren't climbing walls.

oh and the real reason they default to is that is the building block of the crossfit holy grail movement. the muscle up on the rings. you can def. find fault with the muscle up because it is largely based on a learned technique, but you have to have a REAL base of strength to do one or more. like 20 kipping pu's and 40 or so dips unbroken i think is what they say. just bought rings, so we will see if this is true.

as far as using very very strict way of measuring for the crossfit total that is their way for sure. see they don't view kipping as cheating or helping. they view it is a diff. movement all together. i sort of understand it, but i also see how i causes MASS confusion and questioning of the system.

i am still drinking the kool aid, but it is making me into a bit of a fitness monster compared to 4 months ago, so damn it i am results oriented. later. J.
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