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Old 07-18-2007, 01:35 PM
suzzer99 suzzer99 is offline
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Default Thoughts on the WSOP FT

The poker and competitiveness of this FT were decent. And the players seemed to show some emotion between hands. But I'm not real thrilled with the development that every player now plays every hand like a zombie, is completely hidden behind a hat and dark shades, and a walking NASCAR billboard from the neck down. Compare that with just a few years ago the Moneymaker or Fossilman final tables.

I don't think this image is going to suck in casual fans anymore than me seeing a highlight of a pro bass fisherman makes me want to start fishing again. It's just so far removed from the everyday experience of the casual participant. I guess we'll wait to see what editing and lighting tricks ESPN can do to gussy this one up.

Maybe things would have been totally different if Khan wins his race against Yang. I got the feeling I was possibly watching the birth of a poker star in his time in the booth with Phil Gordon. Dude can talk. And at 22. Pretty impressive. The utter randomness of Rainkhan making the FT was my personal Moneymaker-moment for this WSOP.
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