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Old 07-18-2007, 12:52 PM
Heisenb3rg Heisenb3rg is offline
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Default Re: Checkraise, Checkcall,

I like it...

I disagree with the "your never folding blah blah blah, villain has an easy free card etc.."

First of all, a villain with top pair may think he's good and bet for value all the way.

Second of all you may get a hand like A9 w.o club to pay you off on the river, who would now fold to a bet.. You dont care if he gets a free card.

Third, there ARE hands in your range that you can check fold if villain bets this turn... 87o etc..

Pot is medium-small so giving a free card is not a huge deal.

Also, this board is so scary/co-ordinated, it is not the standard board to bluff raise at.. I think even LAGtard villains have the goods most of the time when they raise this turn.

It is close though... cause your definitly missing some bets against hands like AJ/KJ , and against passive unknowns Qx and 98, and garbage with a club that would call you on the turn. The extra bet you save against flush/straight may not offset the bets you lose from those hands above... It's really a matter of frequency which is pretty impossible to estimate vs an unknown..
AT,KT,QT,JT,9T,T8s,T7s + flush combos just seems such a huge number of hands for villain to have, then when you add in a small probabily of an over-agressive villain raising top two pair..
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