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Old 07-18-2007, 12:45 PM
Bianculli Bianculli is offline
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Default Re: [NL25] AT flops Ace 3-way in position; c/r\'d

With a 2.5 pfr%, he could easily have a better ace. He could also have aces up. But, he could also have a worse ace or a draw or 8-8 or air. I consider a stack of 1/2 buy in, to be a shortstack unless I have seen them play conservatively with it. That makes hand reading difficult and you can easily outguess yourself. I personally don't make this raise against a 33/2.5 shortstack with a-10 off myself, but if I got myself in this situation, I would not want to overthink the hand against what I consider to be a shortstack. How he got to 1/2 buy in might go into my decision though. Did he buy in short or did he recently lose a pot?
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