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Old 07-18-2007, 12:26 AM
EverettKings EverettKings is offline
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Default Re: Fair way to split rent -- roommate moving in earlier than me

Beforehand we knew that we had different start dates and that it would be a problem needing addressing in terms of rent splitting rent. That is, we both acknowledged that rent would need adjusting for this period. No solution jumped into mind, so we just kept looking for places. Now that it's locked down we need to decide.

Yes I signed a lease, but I signed it now instead of a month from now for my roommate's sake. If I refused to sign for a month, he'd either have to find temp housing for a month or we'd both have to find roommates in a city across the country, which wouldn't be as cool as roomming with a college friend.

So in part it was a favor to him to start the lease now. Ergo my feeling that I'm not responsible for the full rent.
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