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Old 07-17-2007, 11:01 PM
Mr.K Mr.K is offline
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Default Re: Trip Report: Berge goes to AC for the first time!

Berge, Berge, Berge. You've neglected many key details but you are forgiven nonetheless. As I have little time at the moment, I will summarize below. More details and commentary on request.

- If women were coolers, ChrisAJ ran into the equivalent of 10 Rosie O'Donnells over the weekend. Huge, annoying, and completely uncalled for. The pokah gods have some s'plaining to do. Being his first time in AC, I sure hope this doesn't poison his impression of what is otherwise clearly the greatest place on Earth.

- Berge and I had prop best going on ChrisAJ's hands at the 2/4 table (my inner Bill Fillmaff desperately wanted to chide him to GET OUT OF THE KIDDIE POOL OMFG U FISH!!!1!1one), and broke even in this particular form of prop betting. The dealer (whose name I forget) hated me for yelling for deuces to flop and telling the other players that Chris was a guaranteed winner. Whatever.

- Shannon Elizabeth was playing in the high stakes room Saturday night and was looking HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT. Forget which game she was playing but surprisingly the rail was not packed with onlookers. Dude from "That 70s Show" was there as well, I think.

- Fuji is still the best poker dealer I've ever seen. The Borgata staff is head and shoulders better than any I've come across including the vaunted Bellagio (sorry Linda).

- The new 5/10 limit hold'em game played MUCH faster than the old 6/12. I haven't read the thread about this yet, but all of the floor staff I spoke with cited speed as one of the factors for the change. Action was better than you'd expect for a 1 chip/2 chip game too.

- 10/20 was awesome as usual. I sat for a total of 10 hands and won ~15bbs. Yes, I'm that guy who sits at a $2/hr comp game and then xfers to the $1/hr comp game as soon as I'm called on the list, whilst failing to swipe in for the new game. This is retribution for them failing to offer me rooms at the poker rate anymore. Commie bastards!

- I technically lost a $5 prop bet to ChirsAJ, but on another, considerably more important level I won. Here's the deal: we bet on Berge20 taking down one of the inebriated, single, 23 year old women he mentioned in his report above. Feeling that if he works on women nearly we skillfully as he plays NLHE he'll definitely make it happen I bet Berge was going to succeed, Chris bet he would not. Many drinks and a trip to some questionable establishments later, I found myself calculating the EV of intentionally scuttling the bet (READ BETWEEN THE LINES). As fate would have it, my back of the envelope calculation was this:

EV of winning the bet = +$5
EV of losing the bet but attempting to "win" in other respects = (.65*-$5) + (.65*GLOATING FOR SEVERAL WEEKS) + (.35*SHAME AND AWKWARDNESS)

The latter seemed to be a much better bet, particularly when I added in my hidden outs in the instances where my effort failed but Berge still managed to connect with his draw [thanks, Ed Miller!]. As a result, I moved forward with my plan and yada yada yada I ended up throwing a $5 bill at Chris AJ the next morning.

- A Greek guy (I think) and his INSANELY hot Cuban girlfriend sat at my 1/2 NLHE table last night for a few hours and proceeded to drink their heads off. I usually see some gorgeous women when I'm in the poker room, but this one took the cake on the looks and attitude front. She had the whole table joking and drinking heavily, leaving me to focus on stacking up about $1200 of their money. Also, some guy at my table was trying to hawk a ticket from the Phillies 10,000th loss for $600. I offered him a book of matches and unlimited comps at the Sands (which I thought was an eminently fair deal), but he declined.

- Apparently 6 drunk people is not the legal equivalent of 4 sober people when it comes to compliance with A.C. cab regulations. We were shocked to learn this, but the local police were adamant about it.

- Dealers at Borgata said the Trop just fired 40+ dealers. Everyone I spoke to said that things are not going well in the Trop poker room and at the property in general. I was there for a while late on Saturday with the group but did not investigate the poker room.

-Berge gives Bread and Butter at Borgata insufficient credit for having awesome breakfast options.

- There were a grand total of about 31 customers on the gambling floor at the Trump Plaza at 2:30 am. I'd never been in there, but it was conveniently located across the street from another important AC landmark I'd been visiting, so I thought I'd check it out. Wasn't impressed in the least, but I did leave with a few hundred of their money after an out of character decision to play some $50 minimum roulette.

- We should trade Delaware to another country for some islands in the Mediterranian and another plot of land to be named later, or, failing that, force the state to improve its [censored] highways. Driving through that godforsaken strip of land on Friday afternoon was pure torture.

- You get a lot of edamame beans at Noodles of the World for $5. Too many for one person to eat.

- A guy at my table on Sunday accidentally dropped $125 in green checks on the floor as he was racking up. He came back 3 minutes later when he realized his mistake and found that someone had taken the money. People at the table had witnessed it happen (I hadn't) and the floor eventually identifed the person who stole the money, but the guy who lost it had already gone by the time they did. It did strike me as very customer friendly and just the right thing to do for the floor to look at the camera to see who was responsible. I think many AC casinos would just tell the player: "tough [censored], pal."

- There's more, but I forget. To recap, I luckboxed my way to a win approximately the size of Mexico's 1998 GDP, Berge and ChrisAJ got pwn3d in prop betting by yours truly, and Delaware is the devil. Also, Baltimore smelled really bad as I was driving through today on my way home. Really, really bad.
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