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Old 07-17-2007, 10:48 PM
boohaa12 boohaa12 is offline
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Default FPP\'s per hand Various LVLS - PS

Does anyone have the old post, maybe 8 months back. When we figured out how many FPPS were earner/hand on avg at various levels.
Ex: 2/4 lim vrs 3/6 Lim or 100nl vrs 200nl
Further whats the avg contribution to rake for each level.
Ex: 10k hands of 2/4 = X
10k hands of 3/6 = X + (1/3x)
which rake hurts more etc.
I remmber the factor of debate was the extra FPP when the 2$ dollar was dropped...

Thx for any imputs on this.

yes im aware a players vpip will also play a role in how much rake that player is contributing, but for a simply fpp stand point this info might be interesting.
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