Thread: Dealer Schtick
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Old 07-17-2007, 08:18 PM
vhawk01 vhawk01 is offline
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Default Re: Dealer Schtick

A dealer at the Showboat has a little trick that he does whenever I'm at his table and its late. If a guy is sort of young and d-baggy, the dealer will not drop his tokes for a while and build a few up on the table near his box. Then, whenever the young kid wins a pot UTG, he will wait for the next hand, for the kid to put out his BB, and then he will grab it and drop it and thank him like it was a tip.

I find this hilarious. About 50% of the time, the kid is a little surprised and must feel too self-conscious to say anything, so he just pretends it was a tip. The other times, he sits there puzzled and makes a protest. Either way, the dealer gives him his blind back after a little faux argument, and I find it hilarious.

I have the sense of humor of a chimpanzee though, so it doesn't take much.
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