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Old 07-17-2007, 12:43 PM
ssdex ssdex is offline
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Default Re: Thoughts on Running bad for UNL guys

A few thoughts.

The point of this post is to understand that you should be emotionally "numb" to the limits you choose to play.

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I disagree with this. If you start playing numb (I read don't care), you will start playing haphazardly. I think what you're looking for is don't be afraid to lose money.

FWIW, sometimes people play better when they're scared to lose.

10 buyin downswing happen people

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If you have huge buy-in swings every month, I'd start wondering if it's more than variance especially a 20/25+ BI swing. As sbrugby says:


Your results are the direct result of your performace. Don't point any fingers when things aren't going well since there is no one to blame but yourself.

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I'm not sure what you mean by numb, but I don't think it's a good idea to play numb to the limits you play.

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I play tons and tons of hands every month

I have more variance when I 9 table b/c my tilt becomes exponentially worse, which kills my winrates, but after I get to supernova I think I will cutdown to 6 tables.

being "numb" has nothing to do with not caring and spewing money---- thats not the concept---- being numb has to do with retaining confidence even after very bad runs of luck

im not saying you should not review your play if your in a bad downswing, but if that downswing has less to do with tilt and more to do with running bad, then you should keep plugging away.

imo you can't play a level to your highest potential if you are scared of losing the $, all this does is tigten you up and make you less likely to play your best game. If you play better when your scared then you should be playing a tighter game then you normally play b/c you spew too much playing laggier styles.