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Old 07-17-2007, 12:15 PM
rvg72 rvg72 is offline
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Default Re: New Software: Holdem Manager

importing 6 million hands, will report back in 12 hours

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Make sure you vacuum analyze playerhands,compiledresults and compiledplayerresults when you are done. That will make it run many,many times faster.

Can someone indicate some good resources (books and/or websites) for learning sql well enough to get the most out of this app? Assume comuter literate with some programming experience but very little SQL experience.

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When I have a bit more time I'll be documeting how the reports work and how to create your own reports. Doing it this way the SQL is generated for you. For more "unique" queries then yeah, you could jump right into the DB and query away although I don't know of any good books off hand.

hmmm was fine yesterday now i get this error when trying to open it.

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Can you open your program files\rvg software\holdem manager\config\holdemmanager.config file and let me know what the ConnectionString line says. I just want to make sure that didn't get garbled. You can also try running Start Menu - Postgre - PG Admin and then try double clicking on the server name and see what happens. Maybe the service isn't running or something?

In the hands filters, is it possible to filter by total bb's put in on all streets instead of just a specific street?

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There are a lot of filters that I haven't added yet that work right now and this is one of them. So you will be able to do this soon.

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