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Old 07-16-2007, 02:43 PM
NoRiverRats NoRiverRats is offline
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Default Re: Poker finally legalized in Quebec

Thanks for the update.

If they do a fifty-fifty split I don't think it will stay that way for long.

Because this area has been a black hole for legalized poker for so long, they might work for a while but I really wonder who is going to play on the electronic tables and whether they will be a success in Hull given they don't have a strong track record eslewhere. I think most poker players(myself included) want to play on a table with a dealer and real chips.

Are they more or less daunting for a newbie? I would think that you would need a lot of staff support early on to get beginners to play and be comfortable on a computer table. Therefore, I wonder if its going to be mostly us poker degens playing on the electronic tables either because we are comfortable with the game or because we can't get on a dealer run table.

What do you guys think?
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