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Old 07-16-2007, 10:51 AM
eviljeff eviljeff is offline
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Default Re: Can you tell me about working in legal recruitment?

I'm summering at a BigLaw firm. from what I've gathered,

1) knowing people is close to infinitely more important than knowing the law

2) there are two types of recruiters. (A) head hunters/cold callers (don't know much about them) and (B) a firm's recruiting coordinator. As far as (B) goes, I think the job is mostly about facilitating the courtship between the firm and an aspiring attorney, from the resume collection on forward. A coordinator makes sure both parties are always informed about what's going on. Basically (s)he is the first-call go-to "guy" for either side. At least at my firm, (B)'s job has nothing to do with finding good candidates. They come to her.
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