Thread: Reformation!!
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Old 07-16-2007, 09:54 AM
Sphere99991 Sphere99991 is offline
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Default Reformation!!

The first step is admitting it. I am a huge degen. Chasing losses for the loss is what I do best. But, BBV, I will change. I am reforming. I recently withdrew my br out of ftp for fear that I would put it all on shortstacking 100/200 against sbrugby and go broke. And seriously, I almost did. I recently redeposited 500 and am slowly working it up with real bankroll management (up to ~750). I think if I can avoid putting > 80% of my stack on a single table at any time I will be fine. Not going to make 40 billion dollars this month playing, but if I make $2k I'll be happy.

I'm going to play 100 $22 heads-up sngs on ftp to try to control my ridiculous tendency to go on huge mega-monkey tilt. My goal is to win 65 of these, which is a pretty big goal (24% roi), but if I win 60, I won't complain. All I want to do is learn how to lose without (1) needing to break something and (2) upping the stakes 5x. Wish me luck.

Cliff notes: Long-time degen reforming, actually going to play within his bankroll. Brag? Beat? Variance?
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