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Old 07-15-2007, 11:37 AM
DesertCat DesertCat is offline
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Default Re: More On The Dubious Value Of Comprehensive Knowledge- Part One


Ken Fisher manages many billions and wrote a book that is very much in agreement with your fundamental theorem. That title appears below.


Ken Fisher's 3 questions

"Fisher's three questions really grow out of a single central principle, and it's a principle I believe is the one and only source of investment success. It is that you aren't going to beat the market unless you possess some information that the rest of the market doesn't possess."

Article on 3 questions

[/ QUOTE ]

[rant on]

Ken Fisher is a flaming self promoter riding on the coat-tails of a legendary father (Phillip A. Fisher) who wrote a truly great investing book ("Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits") and was the second greatest influence on Warren Buffett, just behind Ben Graham.

Ken, on the other hand, is cut from a different cloth. It's been widely reported that Ken Fisher's funds don't even beat the market. He has clients through an enormous volume of advertising to the naive. This book is just more PR to help pimp his funds. He has no credibility when discussing successful investing techniques.

[/rant off]

Sorry about that, but I just am sick and tired of getting those Ken Fisher direct mail pieces for the last decade cluttering up my mail box. I think anyone who ever subscribed to Forbes magazine is on his stupid list.
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