Thread: Chess books?
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Old 07-14-2007, 11:23 PM
Montrealcorp Montrealcorp is offline
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Default Re: Chess books?

"(and I mean learning/preparing conrete moves not ideas) is very important once you reach certain level."

yo man that statement requieres an opponent of at least 1900 easy.....if that guy were facing that strong of opponent i would agree with u,but if he was,he wouldnt of ask wich book he would need to read...opening ideas are way more important then specifc opening moves in the 1400-1900 range common!!!!!!
unless he plays some crazy king gambit or poisened pwn variation for black in sicilian wich i serioulsy doubt...

yeah yeah tactics...i mean this aint blitz,but in real game u win games with positional advantage, especially in endgames,how many time i suffer some -+ trought a game with a little lack of opening preperation , mid game and end game comes and ure back because the guy just knows tactics..zzzzzz

for last,the trust me was for:....yeah im right just tell me better books to send him on the right path..
the book i said ARE in the best categories to learn the right way...prove me wrong....

and your comment about:"-some BASIC books about openings"

u still have no suggestion..and pwn structure is so good since once u know this book(if u red it??),it all comes down to the same (around 10?)scheme of what plan u need to attain in the opening to have a good game...

ps:i just hope your not considering ICC rating in blizt as a real elo....probably not but just making sure...

psss: u want to buy a tactics books OP..just buy the art of chess combination by eugene znosko borovsky...should be enough...
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