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Old 07-14-2007, 07:07 PM
bkholdem bkholdem is offline
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Default Child rapists, evils, and the state

The state provides food and shelter and free legal services to convicted child rapists. They pay them (in the form of goods and services) 50K/year and that is not including legal services, that is just housing and professional protective services.

How long do child rapists spend in jail? 10 years? That would be $500,000 for the care and feeding and protection of child rapists. Ten child rapists, that's 5 million. One hundred child rapists, 50 million.

What happens if a child rapist has medical conditions that require treatment, the state, through forced taxation, pays for all of that too, right?

This is just one miniscule slice of evil that is happening right now under statism. Maybe we should be sending people like this flowers instead of paying 1 million dollars to care for and feed and house them

Thank you statists for your support of such wonderful activities such as this.
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