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Old 07-13-2007, 03:07 PM
DeuceSeven DeuceSeven is offline
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Default Re: Why do I suck at poker?

I play to win, regardless of the stakes. I play 6.50 sngs and enjoy the challenge of beating this stake and building a bank roll to move up to the 16s, then to the 27s, then the 60s. Yes losing a few hundred dollars a month doesn't mean much to me but I love the challenge of improving and winning. If I wanted to I could add another 5k to my 1k bank roll and start playing $60s, but I would rather prove that I can beat the lower stakes before I move up.

I guess my advice is:

1) Just play for fun, don't let losing bother you if the money doesn't mean anything.

2) Change your attitude to wanting to win and improve, which means you'll have to work hard by studying and posting trouble hands.

3) Maybe play a different form of poker, maybe if cash games are boring for you try sngs or mtts.

My guess if losing is effecting you that you do care and you're using the "money doesn't matter" as an excuse.
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