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Old 07-13-2007, 12:17 PM
JackAll JackAll is offline
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Default Re: Why do I suck at poker?

I have two points for you. Read them carefully and understand them. I would read them a few times so they sink in.

1. Don't assume you will make a lot of money from poker. It's not as easy as some guy on tv. Really. BUY A GOD DAMN CLUE WITH YOUR 6-FIGURE SALARY. I know it sounds harsh, but that's the truth. It's god damn hard. Harder than you realise. And more so as you move up levels. If you are playing to make money, you are an idiot. Seriously. Just play to learn and enjoy the game - this can be done at low limits where when you lose a stack, you won't tilt much cuz it's not a big deal. The only reason to try higher limits is if you want lots of monies, and as I said - poker is hard; and as you move up limits, it's just harder and harder. Assuming that you are a genius and that you are just better than most people and should automatically win lots of monies is ludicrous. "Oh, I'm really really ridiculously smart. I don't understand why I don't just automatically win lots of moneies". BUY A GOD DAMN CLUE.

2. Learn what bankroll management is. Until you learn this, you will keep going busto over and over and over. You should plan on putting down 40 buy-ins for whatever level (I started with $400 and played on $10nl) then only move up when you have at least 25 buy-ins for the new limit. And if you lose some (from bad beats, tilt, etc) and have less than 20 buy-ins, then move back down and rebuild. This is bankroll management - where you move down if you are at any perceivable risk of going busto. If you follow this, you should NEVER EVER BUST OUT AND NEVER HAVE TO RE-DEPOSIT. But some stupid moron like you will think "Ooooh ... I have lots of monies and can just add more with my credit card if I go busto, so I can ignore bankroll management completely and play with a bank roll of 6 buy-ins". So until you learn this concept, YOU WILL KEEP GOING BUST. Now read this point again. Really. READ IT NOW DUMBARSE. God I hate it when people are too retarded to understand such a simple concept like this.
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