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Old 03-04-2006, 01:09 PM
Pasterbator Pasterbator is offline
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Default OT - My Drunken Breakdown + a Quest

Well, anyone who played the 2+2 game last night saw this coming from a mile away. I got a couple IMs saying "You should probably stop," but i drunkenly ignored them. Anyway, i had my first drunken donkfest last night, and i threw away 1/4 of my bankroll (AT A 1/2 GAME!!!1!!). And i'll be honest, it doesnt feel good.

Instead of turning this into a personal revelation post, i've decided to turn it into a quest to win it back. I have NEVER been unable to control my bankroll (I took 3-4 months to move up from the $33s to $55s) and i never want to do it again. HOWEVER, I do want to win all that money back - so here is my punishment...

I'm going to play 100 SNGs today. I've never played more than 50 in a day, so it's going to be a challenge. I'm still bankrolled for the $55s, even after my huge blunder, so i'm going to stay there.

I've been playing the regulars, but that would be really tough today, so i'm going to try the speeds. Do people have trouble 9 tabling the speeds? I can 9 table the regs no problem, but with less time to act, i can see it getting tough...

I also might throw in a few MTTs since i suck at those and don't want to win my money back too fast - otherwise i've learned nothing!

I'll update here after every 2 sets or so. Wish me luck. If i go broke, i accept paypal and neteller transfers.

Stay away from my tables,
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