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Old 07-12-2007, 06:27 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 101
Default Re: Home Game Introduces Rake- I have Concerns

I play fairly regularly in a raked game. There are a few concerns you need to consider:

1.Legality - Since it's illegal to play ANY poker at all, not sure how much of a conern this is to you. However, I am sure the cops are much more interested in busting a raked game rather than a friendly one. If it does happen to get busted you will get a fine and not much else. The runners will be in much more trouble.

2. Safety - Because it's an illegal operation, then you have to rely upon yourself and the runners to provide security. A .50-1 game may not attract attention, but you never know. Robbers love to hit these types of games because the owners have no way to call the authorities. No one is calling the cops to report a robbery on an ILLEGAL game. So watch yourself.

3 The Game Runners - More than likely these are decent guys looking to make a buck. But it not out of the realm of possiblilty that they will fix the game in their favor. A good runner takes care of their players, deals an honest game and takes care not to invite negative types which are bound to cause trouble.

Like in all cases in life, just be aware. I have played in a illegal raked game for years now and have not witnessed a single act of violence, cheating (at least that I saw) or any trouble with the authorities. But I have certainly heard my fair share of scarey stories.
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