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Old 07-12-2007, 12:02 AM
wet work wet work is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 1,991
Default Re: Post your worst illicit drug experience ever. (comical is a plus

Comical? Back in HS, probably 10th grade, I had a couple friends that worked at a veterinarian's office. They would bring home various pills to eat once in awhile. One time we were picking one of them up after work and decided to check out the pill cabinet and found this stuff call apomorphine. We figured "hey it's got morphine in the name can't be bad right?"--- wrong! bigtime. Turns out it's just an emetic. We basically just puked our asses off for awhile then passed out.

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LOL. This is what erowid is for

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This was way before Erowid/Lycaeum. Mid '80s.

My drug adventure/misadventures could fill their own forum.

One time at a Dead show way back in the day I was dropping some liquid in my hand and the little lid on the food coloring dropper popped off basically draining a whole vial all over my hand. Before I even thought about what I was doing I just slurped up the whole puddle. That was an interesting evening.
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