Thread: a quick thought
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Old 07-11-2007, 03:31 PM
bkholdem bkholdem is offline
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Default Re: a quick thought


Two questions, I guess:

A.) It is morally acceptable for you to force me off land that you claim to own if I don't believe in ownership?

B.) If the answer to (A) is "yes", isn't the person you are forcing off the land being involuntarily coerced into accepting your view of morality?

The point it to demonstrate that AC involuntarily forces people who do not believe in property rights into accepting a particular view of morality, just like statism involuntarily forces people who do not believe in the legitimacy of the state to accept it.

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Even if I were to accept your view of AC 'forcing' you to accept a particular view of property rights (which technically I don't you can keep whatever view you want, there may be unplesant consequences but you are not forced to change your view and accept AC view) there is a huge difference in scope here I think.

In statism there is a whole laundry list of things you are 'forced to accept' that are not on the AC list of things you are 'forced to accept'. There is a massive list of rules and regulations and masters to bow to and people who have influence and control over you, including the potential forced servitute in the army where your masters instruct you to go murder others.

I want to see a list of things you are 'forced to accept' in AC and a list of things you are 'forced to accept' in statism so I can compare.

It's the difference between being 'forced' to hold a penny and being forced to dig a ditch 50 feet deep and climb in it and live in it 2 months out of the year.

Trying to equate the 'burden' of living under AC with the burden of living under statism is ridiculous. In one land I have tremendous freedom and in the other I suffer tremendous opression. Please give me the burden of this 'forced' beautiful freedom and keep your opression.
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