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Old 07-11-2007, 01:04 PM
AZplayer AZplayer is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Scottsdale, AZ
Posts: 114
Default 40-80 at CAZ - PROTECT YOUR HAND, and don\'t throw cards at the dealer

Playing at Casino AZ yesterday in the 40-80. I’m in seat 2, and seat 4 is Mr. Tilt. He’s playing 3 out of 4 hands, and it’s fairly obvious when he misses a draw. He’s whittled down 2 racks in an hour and throwing cards at the dealer every other missed draw. He’ll call 2 bets cold with T-7o and call you down with bottom pair. He’ll call you down w/A-8 on an A-3-3 board when it’s obvious someone has a “3”.

OK, enough background. Early weak player (EWP) raises, I 3-bet in middle position w/Tc9c to isolate, Mr. Tilt cold calls 3 bets which means nothing. Three of us to the flop, which is AcQc8s and I flop flush draw plus gutterball. EWP bets, I call intending to raise almost any turn, Mr. Tilt calls. Turn is another spade, EWP bets, I raise according to plan, Mr. Tilt gives me pissy look and calls. EWP not happy, but calls. River another spade, EWP checks, I bet, Mr. Tilt calls, EWP tanks and eventually folds.

I say nothing and proudly turn over my ten-high right next to the board, which LOOKS like I made a monster but is nothing. Dealer ANNOUNCES “ten-high” flatly. Mr. Tilt is already throwing his cards at the dealer, and one of the rebounds off his gut and falls face down into the muck. The other card bounces face-up and is a Queen. OOPS.

“Sorry sir your hand is dead”

A friend of mine, who is also a dealer at this casino, is sweating me. I turn around and sheepishly ask “What do I do?” He says “Rake the pot man you win!! Karma - serves him right for throwing cards at the dealer.”

Mr. Tilt lasted another orbit before he stormed off...
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